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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I have something to eat before my Vasper session?

We advise hydrating and eating a balanced meal 1-2 hours before your  first Vasper™ session or staying with your usual nutrition routine  pre-exercise.


What should I wear?

Normal exercise attire is fine! We recommend a shirt with sleeves and  shorts, as well as avoiding exercise tights that are too compressive or  slick. The workout is performed barefoot so there is no need to have  athletic footwear. And remember you won’t be sweating, so if you want to  get in and out quickly, come in your comfortable work clothes, slacks  and shirts should work fine.


Why am I barefoot?

You are barefoot during your Vasper™ session because we are cooling  your feet! The bottom of your feet are one of the most effective areas  of the body for heat exchange, so by cooling the soles of your feet, the  heat generated by your body is released, which helps you stay  comfortably cool and minimize sweating.


Why is it so cold?

Vasper™ uses cooling not only to keep you comfortable during your  workout, but also to increase your exercise efficiency and increase  performance. During exercise, blood is shunted from working muscles to  the surface of the skin to help cool the body down, reducing muscles’  capacity as oxygen is carried away from muscles with the blood.Vasper™ avoids this problem by using cooling, which allows oxygen-carrying blood  to remain in the muscles, resulting in enhanced muscular function.


Who uses Vasper?

If you can benefit from exercise then you can benefit from Vasper™!  The software is customizable so your Vasper™ session will be tailored to  fit your level of fitness, endurance and goals. You can expect to see  professional athletes, senior citizens, those with severe disabilities,  veterans, and even your neighbor who is just looking to elevate their  health and fitness at our facility. All are welcome. If you have  specific questions regarding special conditions or inquires please  contact us at 888-383-4014.


Will I be sore after my Vasper session?

Most Vasper™ users report no muscle soreness following their session.  Vasper is designed to be a moderate, low-impact, non-damaging exercise  session which still delivers the benefits of an intensive workout.


Can I work out before or after my Vasper session?

As a moderate exertion exercise, Vasper™ can be used as a substitute  or complement to your current exercise regime. Vasper™ can supplement  your workout by promoting performance gains, improving recovery, and  expediting rehabilitation.


Why do I have to cool down after my Vasper session?

After your Vasper™ session you will lay on a cooling pad for 5-15  minutes. This time allows your heart rate and breathing to return to  your resting rates and acts as relaxing transition between the Vasper  session and the rest of your day. The cooling also aids in recovery from  inflammation, pain, or soreness.

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